Pricing: Youth sizes $20, Adult sizes: $25



in his name we play

“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:17 (ESV)

Anyone who has watched college or professional sports lately may have noticed the growing number of athletes giving all glory to God when a microphone is put in their face by a reporter after a game. There have always been Christian athletes who acknowledge Christ when given the opportunity, but the volume of athletes today is seemingly unparalleled. It’s inspiring. Sports can be pure entertainment, they can be a means to a livelihood, but for some they are a platform for something much greater. They choose to use the spotlight that comes with playing a sport not for their own ambition or self-aggrandizement, but instead to glorify Jesus Christ and give Him thanks.

We always try to come up a catchy or edgy phrase for the shirts we design for the Make an Impact Classic. This year’s shirt cuts right to the heart of the matter. It serves as a reminder that we have been created by God to glorify Him and when baseball gives us a chance, let us always remember to share with others that, ultimately, it’s IN HIS NAME WE PLAY.